The Natural Resources Committee
Last fiscal year we had two ZOOM webinars:
1. On December 4th, 2021, State of California Marine Protected Areas (MPA’s) along our California coastline was the subject of a ZOOM webinar.
We were fortunate to have as presenters Linda Chilton of the USC Sea Grant program and Emily Parker of Heal the Bay. These very knowledgeable subject matter experts are Co-Chairs of the State of California MPA collaborative in our Los Angeles coastal area.
2. On May 21st we had a presentation on key environmental issues we are facing globally, as well as prospective legislation both in Sacramento and locally.
Our presenters were Andy Hattala, Co-Chair of Climate Reality (CR) LA & Andrew Ellis, an environmental scientist and Chair of the CR Legislative Committee
Climate Reality is a non profit founded by Al Gore and is dedicated to educating on the urgency of climate change and the need to accelerate the shift to clean energy to help solve this global crisis.