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Our Committees are how we organize for success. They’re made up of members and volunteers – we encourage all of our members to join a Committee to get connected to our work. If you're thinking about joining a Committee, send the Chair an email or attend one of their meetings to learn more.

Social Policy Committee

Co-Chair:  Karen L. Timko,

Co-Chair:  Ann Nye,

Criminal Justice Reform Committee Meetings: TBD

The area of Social Policy includes the broad areas of Criminal Justice Reform (CJR), Health, and Mental Health. The League of Women Voters of California, our local League, and many other Leagues have identified Criminal Justice Reform as a priority area. While our committee focuses primarily on CJR, it is also true that this area intersects with aspects of health, mental health, homelessness, and other social issues that fall under the League’s Social Policy domain. Our committee follows key legislation, participates in webinars and meetings to gather information and meet leaders in the field, and establishes priorities for local community education and advocacy. We welcome your participation, questions, and ideas to make a meaningful difference in creating a society that truly supports liberty and justice for all.

The Natural Resources Committee

Chair:  Jim

The aim of the Natural Resources Committee is to arrange presentations which provide educational background on environmental issues of local, national and global importance.

Please join us to hear from two local environmental groups to learn about issues associated with plastic pollution.

Hosted by the LWV PVP!

  • When: February 23, 2023 7pm via Zoom
  • Who: Paddle Out Plastic & Climate Reality Los Angeles
  • What: Discuss legislation (SB 54 & 343) & what we can do to stop proliferation of petroleum-based products

This important discussion will include legislation that may make inroads into the problem & lifestyle choices we all can make to reduce proliferation of petroleum-based products threatening life on this planet. We hope this webinar will inspire more advocacy for solutions to this problem.


*Source Reduction* Extended Producer Responsibility *Elimination of Single Use Plastics* *Reduce-Reuse-Refuse*

What to Do In a World Awash in Plastic?

We all know about the issue --plastic is everywhere… It’s in the air we breathe & the food we eat. We can’t take a walk anywhere without seeing plastic debris in our neighborhoods & waterways. What can be done to stop this environmental disaster occurring right in front of our eyes?


Eva Cicoria, founder of Paddle Out Plastic, is a certified California Naturalist who has actively promoted environmental conservation through the Sierra Club and other organizations for many years. Currently Eva participates in the Ocean Protection Council’s working groups focused on ocean litter strategies, improved waste management, and policy change. Paddle Out Plastic removes plastic waste from waters, provides data to support related citizen science, educates the public about plastic waste, and supports change in plastic use and production.

Andy Hattala is the current Vice Chair for Climate Reality Los Angeles and Chair of of the Water Committee. Having studied political science & believing in the power of democracy, he aims to collaborate with chapter members and others to propel the sustainability movement forward. Andy continues working to adopt sustainable behaviors and live an increasingly zero waste lifestyle. He presents on zero-waste living and sustainable water use, as well as advocates policies that engender both and make them easier to actualize.

The Natural Resources Committee

Last fiscal year we had two ZOOM webinars:

1. On December 4th, 2021, State of California Marine Protected Areas (MPA’s) along our California coastline was the subject of a ZOOM webinar.

We were fortunate to have as presenters Linda Chilton of the USC Sea Grant program and Emily Parker of Heal the Bay. These very knowledgeable subject matter experts are Co-Chairs of the State of California MPA collaborative in our Los Angeles coastal area.

2. On May 21st we had a presentation on key environmental issues we are facing globally, as well as prospective legislation both in Sacramento and locally.

Our presenters were Andy Hattala, Co-Chair of Climate Reality (CR) LA & Andrew Ellis, an environmental scientist and Chair of the CR Legislative Committee

Climate Reality is a non profit founded by Al Gore and is dedicated to educating on the urgency of climate change and the need to accelerate the shift to clean energy to help solve this global crisis.


Voter Service

2nd Vice President Voter Service:  Nancy Mahr,

The Voter Service Team provides information on elections, candidates, ballot measures and laws/legislation related to elections and voting.  At this time we are focused on the November 8th election.

Please visit our Voter Info page for detailed information on voting.


LWV Palos Verdes Peninsula

PO Box 2933

Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA 90274